Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More True Stories from @ZodiacFacts

They were on fire today:

Often  are more comfortable with writing down how they're feeling than expressing themselves verbally.

 refuse to settle for less than what they want in a partner.

Because they can conceal their emotions,  are often one of the most misunderstood signs of the Zodiac and seen as cold and uncaring.

Getting Through the Afternoon

Testing while listening to This American Life. Yes. My cube could use a cleaning, and I look amazing in the glow of the computer screen.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mmm. Second Thanksgiving

Sans turkey, but don't worry, it'll be in a sandwich tomorrow.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two Years Ago Today

I just realized that two years ago today was the day that I went into the Wisconsin Humane Society (Milwaukee location) and found the kitten that would complete my crazy. I lost the most loving, sweet and gentle cat ever, Trouble, two years ago in September, and while Eloise hasn't replaced her, she certainly filled the void for both Boo and me. And yes, if you have your own cat and visit me she will act like devil spawn, but every time she crawls into my bed, lays down on top of my arm and purrs, once I get over being annoyed about being woken up, I realize exactly how happy I am to have her.

So keep wreaking havoc on my household, keep eating plastic and throwing it up all over the floor, and keep being your adorable self, my Eloise. The home is just that much better of a place with you in it. Despite the fact that I had to add cat furniture to keep you from destroying mine.

These pictures are from a her first day home, a day and time where Miss Eloise had not yet proven how small her head would be, nor how big her belly would be. Any gentleman who can manage to win over her heart, certainly has a good chance of winning over mine.

Sh!t is Getting Real

PS. This made it two more moves after the pic and BOOM.

Jenga Cat

I'm not sure who is more scared when it falls. Her or me.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Phallic Candle

Courtesy of Dan, my brother from Chicago.

Crazy Cat Thanksgiving

Squish Squash

And thus begins Thanksgiving cooking.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

True Stories from @ZodiacFacts

As a  if you're not involved in something that feels purposeful, you lose interest.

Your Hand is Delicious

Holiday M&Ms

Getting me through my 4pm crash.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Shall Snuggle with your Butt

Coffee date with Pete!

Buy one, get one holiday drinks and good conversation. Can't complain.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My kitty is nosy

Sneaking in the drawer because that's what she does.