Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Cat is an Asshole

Yes, that is the button on my shirt she's trying to pull off.

I Don't Know Why

But I love this picture... even though I look ridiculous and you can only see about three quarters of my head.

All Psyched Up!

Attempting to be as positive as possible in the face of a) having to come home from vacation and b) having to spend 11 hours traveling.

Best Seat-mate Ever!

Didn't want to curse it by posting before I left the gate last night...

Cats Love Suitcases

Monday, January 30, 2012

This May Be the Whiniest Kid Ever

If this were twitter, I'd hashtag this #airtravelrants

Where has Becky Been?

More updates soon!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

100+ Variations?

Kinda wanna buy this...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Corn Soup

Turned out ok. My other soup efforts were better but I'll still eat it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I got to try new tea today. I liked it a lot. Thanks Kevin!

My Soup Came with Scissors

Allegedly We've Hit our High for the Day

Don't worry. I was stopped at a stoplight.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Run Streaking in the Winter plus Miscellaneous Thoughts

So after the new year I committed to running every day until I go to Cancun (sidenote: SO EXCITED). It seemed like a good idea at the time, but that's because it was unseasonably warm (upper thirties, lower forties) here at the time. Now that it's down to normal January temps (teens) it doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore, but I'm dedicated. On the cold days, I'll just make them shorties. It really is easier for me to run when there's not a question of whether or not I'm putting on my running gear and heading out, just how far I decide to go. Plus, when I get back I'll finally suck it up and join the gym up the street with the money my parents gave me for Christmas to do just that.

The consistent running also seems to be helping me manage my stress with starting the new job. I know I'm still working with the same people and doing almost all the same things, but changing companies, changing bosses and being unsure of the future is still somewhat stressful. So far so good though. It seems like it really is going to be a true tech company that happens to be located in the midwest. I hope I'm right!

Can't Believe I Forgot this One.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Socks

Yes. I own Hello Kitty socks from my sister-in-law. Wanna fight about it??

Monday, January 16, 2012

This Weeks Soup Attempt

African Peanut. And the results were amazing. I'd totally make it again.

And so it Continues...

What are they counting down?!?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tiger. Roar!!

This is what Eloise would look like if she were way bigger and lived in a zoo.

It's the Jazzy Jewels!!

I'm so happy they are here. You have no idea.

Roller Derby... Round One

Baby Lions!!

Zoo 5k today. Second anniversary of the first 5k I ever ran.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My First Pho!

But it won't be my last. Yum.

OMG You Guys! I'm so Lucky!

Look what I win! :)

From: support <Terryj@kengarff.com>
Date: 2012/1/13
Subject: payment

You have a Bank Draft of $800,000.00 which awaits outstanding payment of $50.00 .
Contact Mr. Hemant Singh Email: deliveryfdx@yahoo.com.hk

I don't recommend actually emailing him...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sorry the posts are going to be so limited this week. Someone else has temporarily commandeered my phone for the next few days because it has better streaming capabilities than theirs. I'll try and sneak in a couple random pictures when I have it though!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

True Stories from @ZodiacFacts

As a  you seldom make the first move and may wait an eternity for signs that someone likes you.

SO TRUE. Not sure if its because I'm a Virgo, or just because I'm me, but this describes me well.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Finally - I Decided My 2012 Resolution

I never do huge resolutions, and I don't do them every year. About ten years ago I made the resolution that I was going to floss my teeth at least once, six days a week, I'm still doing it!

This year, I decided I'm going to use more of my vacation time at work. I get 200 hours of what is essentially PTO (earned time off) but I have a random 40 carried over from previous years for a grand total of 240, plus 24 hours of floating holidays (handed out at the beginning of the year, no earning required). Last year, I used only 80 of my PTO hours, and all of my floating holidays. That's less than half of what I could have.

So, get ready for some adventures! Or maybe some surgeries...

Cat Attack

Yep. Sitting in the bathtub, cat walks behind me, almost falls (clawfoot tub) and uses my shoulder to try and save herself. Ouch!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Homemade Soup!

Tomatoes, habanero, corn, onion, beans, cilantro, spinach and 1% milk! Salt and pepper to taste.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kitties Like Radiators

All together now... AWW!

I've Said it Before, and I'll say it Again

I have the best work mentor ever!

Monday, January 2, 2012

No, These are the Games you Play with YOUR Friends

I Ran Into the New Year

A little bit belated on the post, but for someone who was off of work I've been plenty busy! Ran this one with Pete, and Ross was nice enough to play DD for us since the reward afterward was two beers and a bottle of champagne a piece. we stopped at Sonic on the way back, it was slightly ridiculous.